Friday, April 25, 2008

Trick #1 - The Head Shake

In her first trick Kylie will excitedly shake her head furiously as she strains to find the sucky thing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Kylie went to the doctor for her two week check up and she is up to 7lbs and 2 oz! We went back a few days later to talk to the doctor about all the spitting up that she has been doing. At that appointment Kylie weighed 7lbs and 5 oz, it was only two days later! So she is growing and getting lots of food. She has already changed so much in her face with chubby cheeks and a big belly. Here she is after a bath.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kylie Slideshow

Introducing Kylie!!!!

Here is the newest member of the Kjesbo family. Kylie Mae was born March 31, 2008. She is a beautiful baby girl. Each day brings a new joy and she is loved very much.